Hello. I am Jevin Greene, part of the 8th-12th grade class.
Please sit back, relax and let me tell you about my experiences at Camp Zion ’23. My first day at Camp, I thought it was going to be boring, but then we went to some colleges and started touring. One of the tours was at Paine College, a historically Black college where I learned it was built by slaves and they also have a great sports team, basketball, which is my favorite sport, my passion.
Our class worked hard on our STEAM project with Mrs. Taylor. We reupholstered a sofa, loveseat, and stained a table. I really liked reupholstering furniture. It turned out good. Our class also created a really Kool rap and recorded it downtown at a place called Serenity. Serenity had a really unique vibe. Thanks Mr. Harvey, love that spot. The step, the step was kind of fun too because it was something I did not know I could do until Ms. Kierra taught me some moves and I kept practicing until it became natural for me.
We talked about the MVP program every week. Violence is everywhere, and in a lot of our neighborhoods. The MVP lessons helped us to promote peace and enforce it in not just in our neighborhoods, but our homes, and especially our schools. Some of the activities we did were to create a huge peace symbol and we created peace affirmations that we use when talking to each other. Another thing we talked about is the importance of Mental Health and understanding that your words can stab harder than a knife and once you speak it into the atmosphere you cannot take it back. As a class we participated in a yoga mindfulness activity which I really thought helpful because it helped to calm our minds and thoughts. So as a person we have to protect not only our minds, just like our bodies, but guard just what we say and also what we hear.
Our teachers, Mrs. Jackson and Ms. Henderson, talked about leadership and kind of reinforced some things I already knew like setting and chasing my goals, not allowing other people’s thoughts and words to dictate my actions, having discipline and understanding consequences of my actions. Other things we did included working out at Planet Fitness, going swimming, and some of my peers had a chance to travel to New York. Next year I plan to be part of that group.
Overall I had fun. For the rest of the summer I plan to play basketball each day to perfect my game. My future career goals are to be a NBA basketball player, not just any player but the best basketball player that ever touched a ball. I think that my connections with Camp Zion will help me to reach my goals by allowing me to go the gym, continue good study habits in school, go to the gym some more, and then do well in school to get accepted in a good college or to play ball overseas for a year after high school graduation. I know that I can do this and more and I know that Camp Zion will support me.
Hi, my name is Kaylee Goodrum.
A new camp zioneer for camp Zion 2022 at Next Level. Camp has brough me a lot of joy and a reason to get up early in the morning during my summer vacation. Camp has also taught through Media Madness how to socialize with real people and not be on an electronic device all day. During this time, I have meet new people and even made some new friends. Camp Zion has instilled in me the components of Abstinence and the importance of saving my jewel until after I have reached my life goals. In Leadership class, I learned how to be a leader and how to lead with a purpose. Camp Zion is unlike school because of what we do and how we learn. Who ever would have thought of making a comic book, a rap accompanied by a music video? The field trip to Selma, Alabama allowed me to become a part of history when we walked over the Edmond Pettus Bridge and the sleepover at the Georgia Aquarium was totally sensational. I would like to thank my mom for signing me up, my aunt Quiana for bring me every day, Mrs. Erika and Ms. Kim, and my Auntie Artavia. I would like to give a special thanks to Mrs. Kesia for allowing us to have great experiences that we will cherish for a lifetime.