Q: If I applied for the after school program, do I have to complete another application for summer camp?
A: Yes, we are required to have a completed application for each session offered at Camp Zion. So if you applied for After School, you will still have to complete a summer camp application.
Q: Is the acceptance process first come first serve?
A: No, we have a rubric ranking system that is utilized to process all completed applications. Date and time of application submission is considered in the rubric ranking.
Q: Why do I need to provide proof of income?
A: Next Level is funded by state and federal funds. These funding sources require all household income information to be attached to each application.
Q: Do I have to complete the entire application?
A: Yes, all pages should be completed unless they do not apply to you. For example the Non-Income Declaration page should only be completed if you do not receive any income.
Q: Do I have to complete an application for each child and do I have to attach copies of qualifying documentation to each application?
A: Yes, there should be an individual application completed on each child applying for enrollment and they all should have the qualifying documentation attached.
Q: If my child is enrolled in the After School program do they automatically receive a slot in summer camp?
A: Yes, but they have to be actively enrolled in the After school program with at least a 85% attendance rate. Also, all parent requirements must be completed by April for entrance into the summer program.
Q: What happens if I miss a mandatory parent meeting?
A: Parents are given at least a month notice about mandatory meeting. If a mandatory meeting is missed, the student will lose their slot and be placed on the waiting list. At least one parent must be at the parent meeting.
Q: How long is the summer camp?
A: Camp Zion is a 5-week camp that will start in June and end in July.
Q: What is the fee:
A: Camp Zion does not charge for enrollment in the after school or summer program. There are some required components like, attending the mandatory meetings and completing parent volunteer hours but there is no fee for participation.
Q: Is Camp Zion a ministry of Bibb Mt Zion Baptist Church?
Q: Do I have to make a certain income for my children to be accepted into the program?
A: Accepted participants households must fall 150% below the national poverty line. You can check the chart on page 3 of the application to see if you qualify for the program.
Q: Are siblings of an existing participant automatically accepted in the program?
A: Camp Zion tries to accommodate families with multiple children but acceptance is also based on class size. For example, your 2nd grader may be accepted but your 8th grader may have to go on the waiting list because that class may already be full.
Q: What are the program Hours?
A: After school program hours are Monday through Thursday from 2:45pm to 6:45pm. The summer program hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4:00pm.