Good evening, my name is Tommeria Horton.
First, I would like to start off by thanking God, the head of my life, my mother, and my family for me being able to stand in front of you in this cap and gown.
When I first came to Next Level 3 years ago, I was expecting an average summer camp, with boring activities that all summer camps I had attended in the past have had. I was completely wrong. My first summer at next level was anything but ordinary. It was great to be able to be put in a classroom where the kids and staff greet you with open arms, have a chance to learn and openly discuss about abstinence, and take part in writing a song while helping to make a music video to go along with it. But my favorite part of summer camp was the college tours. It was actually the last college tour of my year at next level that I discovered my dream school, the University of West Georgia, where I will be attending this fall. So next level I thank you for helping find the right college for me.
During my first summer at next level I was told about a special addition to their program called elite. I was told that being in elite could open many doors for a student, and I knew right away that I wanted to be a part of it. The following months after summer camp ended, and I went through the application process of elite. Finally in September of 2013, I found out that was selected to be in the elite program. I was very excited and looked forward to everything that I was going to experience with elite. Being in elite helped show me how strong my leadership skills truly are, along with the joy in giving back to the community. Being in elite gave me the chance to take part in leadership sessions. In the sessions we were taught have a successful interview, workplace etiquette, how to build a resume, and how to better ourselves as leaders. It also gave me the chance to experience my future career choice at first hand. I feel truly blessed to have been able to have all my experiences with elite because not every teenager can say they got the chance to do the things that I have done. I want to thank my elite teachers and my fellow elite members for making my time in elite all the more memorable.
As I come to a close I would like to thank three more special people. First, Mrs. Moran for always being sweet and listening to all my long stories. The next two people I am thanking have done so many great things for me and there is one thing I would like to talk about particularly. On February 10, 2015 my uncle, my youngest sister, Tamara, and I were in a terrible car accident. We were all rushed to the hospital. While waiting, my mother sent out text letting everyone know what had happened. The first two people to walk into my hospital room were Mrs. Kesia and Mrs. Straws. It was at that moment I knew how much I truly meant to them and how much they meant to me. Thank you Mrs. Kesia and Mrs. Straws for being the wonderful human beings that you are and for giving me so much love and support.